Built up area (in Mtrs) : 1625.80
Comments on the location : The school is located in a residential area well connected by broad roads and have easy access.
Size of Playground and details of Games/Sports/co-curricular activities for which facilities are available :
2660 sqm volleyball kho-kho badminton chess carom table tennis and children park
Size of the Library (In Sqr Feet) : 1855
Total number of books Subject wise details of books (List of books not to be annexed) : 3519
Physics lab (in Mtrs) : 16.30m x 10.60m
CHEMISTRY LAB (in Mtrs) : 14.25m x 6.40m
BOTANY LAB (in Mtrs) : 10.40m x 6.40m
ZOOLOGY LAB(in Mtrs) : 10.40m x 6.40m
COMPUTER LAB(in Mtrs) : 40.50m x 6.40m
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